Ian Good is a Principal Consultant with Hazcon and has accepted the offer to humanise occupational health and safety (OHS). Links have been added for those intrigued by Ian’s responses.
How did you get into Health & Safety?
My wife worked with the owner’s wife and after being made redundant from a Start-Up I was asked to come on board in an operations role.
What drives you?
The positive response you get from people who you provide consulting advice to; can be major companies or the smallest business.
What helps you slow down?
I see it more as a reflection. When my hubris gets in the way of communicating, also when I know I have not properly attended to a person’s concerns. Oh and golf.
OHS Regrets?
Mistakes I have made that affected people psychologically and I did not immediately address.
Favourite nonfiction writer?
Daniel Kahneman, a close second is David Suzuki
What is one OHS trend you are watching keenly?
Industrial Manslaughter laws.
Person/s who you watch and take inspiration from in OHS that you think will have an increasing impact in the sector.
No-one. Not much into the broader OHS scene. My colleagues are the people I respect.
What are you most excited about in our sector?
The development of on-line training as a result of the stay-at-home climate.
What’s your favourite quote?
“It’s the Mabo, the vibe” – I use this when referring to Section 21(1) OHS Act 2004
Biggest issue facing the OHS profession?
The word “likely” when used to frame risk – See definition of confined space (page 4 – https://content.api.worksafe.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-12/ISBN-Compliance-code-confined-spaces-2019-12.pdf)
What do you wish you had understood about OHS sooner?
How badly incident investigations are undertaken.
What would you like to see to improve collaboration in OHS?
Eliminate the risk matrix and replace with other frontline risk management systems that do not rely on false, or made up, assumptions to comply with poor acceptance criteria.
What should you have been doing whilst you answered this?
Getting more wood for the fire