OHS lawyers see opportunities in harmonisation of laws

The current edition of Lawyers Weekly includes some thoughts from Australian lawyers on the impact of the harmonisation of Australia’s OHS laws.  Michael Tooma of Norton Rose believes that the new positive duty of officers has sparked interest in improving corporate governance. Graeme Smith of Freehills has seen an improved recognition of lawyers’ roles in … Continue reading “OHS lawyers see opportunities in harmonisation of laws”

Contractor management in Australia’s new OHS laws

When reading the draft documents for Australia’s harmonised OHS laws, it is very useful to run various scenarios or hazards through one’s mind and see how these could be affected or managed.  The most challenging hazards are the psychosocial hazards (or bio-psychosocial as they were referred to at the recent Comcare conference in Canberra) of stress, mental … Continue reading “Contractor management in Australia’s new OHS laws”