Safe Work Australia vs Quad Bike Manufacturers

The chair of Safe Work Australia, Rex Hoy, makes an extraordinary challenge to the manufacturers of quad bikes.  In a media statement released on 26 April 2013, he “…has called on the designers and manufacturers of quad bikes to urgently reconsider improving the design of quad bikes so they are not prone to roll over.” … Continue reading “Safe Work Australia vs Quad Bike Manufacturers”

Bill Shorten speaks at the Safe Work Australia Awards

Australia’s Employment and Workplace Relations Minister, Bill Shorten had a very busy day on 26 April 2012 with the recent actions over the management of the Health Services Union.  Tha evening he spoke eloquently and passionately at the Annual Safe Work Australia Awards. Not only did he speak but he also spent several hours speaking with … Continue reading “Bill Shorten speaks at the Safe Work Australia Awards”

Media releases are all positive for Safe Work Australia Week

Further to yesterday’s blog post that mentioned Australia’s Minister for Workplace Relations, Chris Evans, it is worth noting his new media release (not yet available online) in support of the 2011 Safe Work Australia Week. On 23 October 2011,  Minister Evans said all the “right” things: “National Safe Work Australia Week, an annual initiative of … Continue reading “Media releases are all positive for Safe Work Australia Week”

Media statements are everywhere as Safe Work Australia Week begins

Today was a big day for organisations and government authorities to restate their commitments to workplace safety. Queensland’s Industrial Relations Cameron Dick has stated that “workers and their families were paying too high a price for their jobs. “Every year more than 100 Queenslanders die and tens of thousands more suffer a work-related injury or illness, costing … Continue reading “Media statements are everywhere as Safe Work Australia Week begins”

Safe Work Australia Ambassadors

I am proud to be one of the 50 Safety Ambassadors in support of Safe Work Australia Week for 2010.  A list of Ambassadors is available at the Safe Work Australia website. Safe Work Australia has a strong support role for the safety week events held in each of the Australian States as well as providing national safety awards each year … Continue reading “Safe Work Australia Ambassadors”

Safe Work Australia at Senate Estimates – harmonisation latest

Rex Hoy of Safe Work Australia (SWA) spoke on 1 June 2010 at the Australian Senate Estimates hearing (around page 44) and confirmed progress on the draft OHS regulations and codes of practice.  The draft Hansard reports Hoy saying: “Just to cover the areas we are working on: there will be model regulations covering administrative arrangements … Continue reading “Safe Work Australia at Senate Estimates – harmonisation latest”