Burnout, self-advocacy and more

SafetyAtWorkBlog’s initial approach to Justine Alter, Psychologist and co-director of Transitioning Well. on the prevention of Burnout illicited the following response. It deserved further exploration so Alter was sent a further set of questions leading to useful answers. “Prevention strategies are considered to be the most effective approach for addressing workplace burnout, and there are … Continue reading “Burnout, self-advocacy and more”

Be part of the Mental Health conversation

Public submissions for Victoria’s Royal Commission into Mental Health close on July 5 2019. If you believe that work-related mental health is important, tell the Royal Commission through its, very easy, online submission process. Below is the text of the submission I made earlier this week. The website asks you questions, many more than I …

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Burnout – collective resilience

In this second of a series of articles on Burnout, SafetyAtWorkBlog went beyond its regular sources of mental health information and received some useful comments from international professionals in the mental health/burnout space. Courtney Bigony, Director of People Science at 15Five told SafetyAtWorkBlog:...

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A strong safety conference

The Safety Institute of Australia continues to rebuild its member services, its finances and its reputation. In fact, it is so confident in its future that it has changed its name and brand to reflect this path. From July 2019 it will be known as the Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS). A critical …

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Where’s the harm in bullying?

The West Australian Government has released its the report on its Ministerial Review of the State Industrial Relations System. There are a few interesting bits that relate to occupational health and safety (OHS) and bullying. The Fair Work Commission has been able to accept applications to stop workplace bullying for a few years now. Western …

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Family violence at work, looking at trees instead of forest

Victoria’s Minister for Workplace Safety, Jill Hennessy, has released a media statement about the occupational health and safety (OHS) context of family violence, referencing a WorkSafe Victoria guidance note from January 2018. Hennessy is quoted saying: “Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe workplace for their employees – and that includes doing whatever …

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Steady as she goes in Victoria

The annual Safety Institute of Australia (SIA) breakfast was held at the Melbourne offices of Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF). As has become a tradition, a spokesperson for WorkSafe Victoria was the feature presenter and this year that was the very recently appointed Executive Director of Health and Safety, Julie Nielsen. HSF’s Steve Bell also provided …

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