Safety Convention becomes conventional

Dr Maureen Hassall (pictured below on the left)says that mining has done great work in improving safety but the fatality rate has not dropped even though there has been some fluctuation. And the catastrophes have had similar causes. So why are mine workers continuing to die? Perhaps another question should be asked on whether the … Continue reading “Safety Convention becomes conventional”

Independent analysis of WorkSafe Victoria

Barry Naismith‘s third report into the operations and performance of WorkSafe Victoria was released on July 22, 2014. Naismith produces these reports through a combination of publicly available information in the press, a dive into the resources of the WorkSafe Library (visit before it moves to Geelong) and requests to WorkSafe.  This level of analysis … Continue reading “Independent analysis of WorkSafe Victoria”

Suicide Prevention Forum and Mental Health First Aid for workers

In March 2016, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released its latest figures into the causes of death. A lot of media attention was given to the figures showing an increase in the suicide rate.  It found that “Among those aged 15 to 44, the leading causes of death were Intentional self-harm (suicide)…” On the day …

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Sedentary work risks – two new research reports

Some say occupational health and safety (OHS)  is all about common sense.  This is a tempting fallacy, particularly as it relates to the risks of sedentary work – what earlier generations would describe as “sitting down”.  This month Safe Work Australia (SWA) entered the debate about the health risks of sitting down for too long. …

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Where is work-related suicide in the Suicide Prevention Strategy?

For all the discussion of workplace mental health, work-related suicide continues to receive little attention.  Part of this is because unexpected fatalities are shocking and distressing, even more so when the deaths are the result of the worker’s own efforts. Recently the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia published its latest Suicide Prevention 2020 Strategy.  The strategy …

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Business case seems to miss worker safety

The Victorian Government has released the business case for the Melbourne Metro Rail project, a project that involves extensive tunnelling and high risk activities.  Most of the discussion about safety in the document seems to focus more on end-user benefits than on those who will be constructing the project.  The business case can be seen as a missed opportunity …

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Just Culture and Restorative Justice

Sometimes it is better to read Sidney Dekker than listen to him.  His presentation style is lively but his research and thoughts deserve more measured analysis than a conference or seminar presentation allows.  A recent research paper, “‘Just culture:’ Improving safety by achieving substantive, procedural and restorative justice“, shows the advantage of reading over watching....

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