Could a prisoner’s death in a prison van be a breach of OHS laws?

ABC television program Lateline broadcast on 2 March 2010 an article (video available) about the death of 59-year-old Mark Holcroft in the back of a prison van in 2009. Holcroft was a low risk inmate serving 7 months for a drink-driving offence.  He was several weeks into his sentence when he was being transported with six other prisoners to a low-security farm.  From … Continue reading “Could a prisoner’s death in a prison van be a breach of OHS laws?”

Workplace bullying data from Denmark

In occupational health and safety (OHS) and other workplace research, Scandinavia is often quoted.   The application of research findings to other nations is of dubious value but often Scandinavian research provides clues to potential OHS hazards or control options. In February 2010, the European Working Conditions Observatory published online a research report into workplace … Continue reading “Workplace bullying data from Denmark”

A discussion on ethics and OHS decision making

In 2004, I was asked to make an OHS-themed presentation to a group of paramedic students on ethics and from a small business perspective.  Some of the information may have dated slightly but I post this to stimulate discussion.  Below is an edited version of that 2004 oral presentation: Quite often, when we have an … Continue reading “A discussion on ethics and OHS decision making”

Industrial Manslaughter mentioned in Australia’s Parliament

Earlier in February 2010, the recently appointed leader of the conservative Opposition, Tony Abbott, said in Parliament that the Minister for the Environment, Peter Garrett could have been charged with industrial manslaughter over the deaths of four insulation installers funded indirectly by the Government.  It was all oratorical bluster with little legal credibility. However, it did … Continue reading “Industrial Manslaughter mentioned in Australia’s Parliament”

Workers comp becomes political but not in a nice way

Workers’ compensation clearly has become a political issue in Australia recently due to cock-ups, and electioneering. Embarrassment The Australian Financial Review has embarrassed the Liberal Party’s shadow Minister for WorkCover in Victoria, Gordon Rich-Phillips.  Rich-Phillips issued a media release claiming the Victorian Government had been inactive on some deficiencies in the WorkCover system that had been highlighted by the chief justice of … Continue reading “Workers comp becomes political but not in a nice way”

Good bullying advice needs grounding in prevention

Recently SafetyAtWorkBlog discussed the quality of media releases on OHS matters.  A very good one was received the other day from Firefly Marketing.  The noticeable quality of this release is that although its purpose is to promote a conference, the release provides fresh and unique comments that have stand-alone benefits. The statement includes several comments concerning workplace … Continue reading “Good bullying advice needs grounding in prevention”

Workplace bullying questions to WorkSafe

Following the successful prosecution of four people for bullying 19-year-old Brodie Panlock, SafetyAtWorkBlog, with the assistance of a lawyer put several questions to WorkSafe Victoria about the case.  Most of the questions and their responses are below: “SAWB: Could you please advise the reasons for the decision to prosecute the recent workplace bullying case in the Magistrates … Continue reading “Workplace bullying questions to WorkSafe”