Australian IR Minister mentions international OHS conventions action

Chris Evans, the Australian Minister for Workplace Relations issued a media statement on 28 April 2011 concerning the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.  As well as some generalities about OHS harmonisation and government commitment, he said “The Australian Government is also in the process of ratifying the ILO Asbestos Convention 1986 (convention 162) and … Continue reading “Australian IR Minister mentions international OHS conventions action”

NZ Farmers rep enters quad bike safety debate

An opinion piece was published in the New Zealand Herald on 12 January 2011 concerning quad bikes.  There are several points raised by Donald Aubrey, vice-president of Federated Farmers and chairman of the Agricultural Health and Safety Council that can be disputed. “In the hands of the untrained or the over-confident they can be deadly. And … Continue reading “NZ Farmers rep enters quad bike safety debate”

West Australian farmer found dead under his quadbike

WorkSafe WA has reported on a quad-bike related death of a 68-year-old man in the evening of 12 December 2010.  Details are scarce as OHS inspectors have only been able to attend the scene this morning. The WorkSafe media release (soon to be available online) states: “WorkSafe is investigating the work-related death of a 68-year-old … Continue reading “West Australian farmer found dead under his quadbike”

OHS harmonisation documents released for public comment

Late on 7 December 2010 Safe Work Australia released draft OHS regulations and Codes of Practice for public comment.  The documents released are: Issues paper Model WHS Regulations How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks How to Consult on Work Health and Safety Managing the Work Environment and Facilities Facilities for Construction Sites Managing Noise and Preventing … Continue reading “OHS harmonisation documents released for public comment”

Lessons Learnt…?

I would like to pose a question, or questions: are OHS professionals and the community in general, in all honesty, learning and applying the lessons we are being taught from workplace events? Are we, or our organisations, being truly effective in preventing the recurrence of events in our workplaces, work processes or activities? Do we, … Continue reading “Lessons Learnt…?”

OHS in procurement guideline should be the start and not the end

The Chris Maxwell Report into OHS in Victoria is of historical interest now but one concept in particular from the report continues to echo in OHS and Government circles – government departments and authorities as exemplars of workplace safety. The latest echo of this concept appeared in a WorkSafe Week seminar in Melbourne on 25 … Continue reading “OHS in procurement guideline should be the start and not the end”

Media statements are everywhere as Safe Work Australia Week begins

Today was a big day for organisations and government authorities to restate their commitments to workplace safety. Queensland’s Industrial Relations Cameron Dick has stated that “workers and their families were paying too high a price for their jobs. “Every year more than 100 Queenslanders die and tens of thousands more suffer a work-related injury or illness, costing … Continue reading “Media statements are everywhere as Safe Work Australia Week begins”