Evidence exists of productivity benefits of OHS but no one is using it

A lot of recent discussion of the impacts of workplace safety and productivity has centred on the Productivity Commission’s “Performance Benchmarking of Australian Business Regulation: Occupational Health & Safety” Report of 2010. However there was a 1995 report by the then-Industry Commission that can provide some broader context to the safety/productivity discussion. Recent evidence and … Continue reading “Evidence exists of productivity benefits of OHS but no one is using it”

Flogging a dead horse when it is still alive, though looking poorly

In The Australian newspaper on 24 November 2012, columnist Judith Sloan discussed how the harmonisation of Australia’s occupational health and safety laws are “a present glaring example of a despot stripped bare…” Earlier this year, in April, Sloan said harmonisation was dead so one could say she is flogging a dead horse. Some parts of … Continue reading “Flogging a dead horse when it is still alive, though looking poorly”

Challenges for WorkSafe Victoria at WorkSafe Week

As part of the annual WorkSafe Week, WorkSafe‘s Ian Forsyth presented the organisation’s OHS strategy to a large crowd at the Melbourne Convention Centre on 28 October 2012. Harmonisation Clearly Forsyth anticipated questions about the Victorian Government’s decision not to implement the model Work Health and Safety laws that will exist in all but two … Continue reading “Challenges for WorkSafe Victoria at WorkSafe Week”

New research on doctor visits hints at new areas of OHS research

The Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research (ISCRR) is drawing considerable attention to a recent research report into the actions of patients after medical practitioners ( a general practitioner or GP in Australian parlance) have identified a work-related illness. The research is unique and instructive and indicates areas that require more analysis. According to the media release on … Continue reading “New research on doctor visits hints at new areas of OHS research”

OHS salary survey raises more questions than it answers

The information that safesearch has released on its annual salary survey of Australian OHS professional salaries included several curious statements. In media statements released in mid-February 2012 the following was attributed to an interpretation of the survey results: “… a brain drain triggered by the mining boom has forced employers in other sectors to increase salaries for … Continue reading “OHS salary survey raises more questions than it answers”

OHS harmonisation may be dead, so who will pick up the pieces?

One of the best summaries of the current status of the new Australian Work Health and Safety laws was published in The Australian newspaper on 27 January 2012 (not available without a subscription).  Lawyers from Norton Rose, Michael Tooma, Alena Titterton and Melissa Cornell, express doubts that harmonisation of national safety laws is possible.  They write: “At … Continue reading “OHS harmonisation may be dead, so who will pick up the pieces?”

Conservative media begins to examine new OHS laws

Workplace health and safety made the front cover of the Australian Financial Review on 1 July 2011 (once the liftoff financial special cover was thrown away).  When this happens there is a serious issue to be dealt with or it is a beat-up.  Today’s article entitled “Danger: work safety laws just got stricter” (not accessible … Continue reading “Conservative media begins to examine new OHS laws”