OHS statistics sound good but do not reflect reality

SafetyAtWorkBlog has questioned the veracity of occupational health and safety statements by Victoria’s Assistant Treasurer, Gordon Rich-Phillips, previously.  Early in January 2013, Minister Rich-Phillips stated that: “Victoria’s workplaces had the safest year on record in 2012…” Victorian businesses, workers and policy-makers would benefit enormously if the government were to focus on achieving independent accurate data of workplace injury, … Continue reading “OHS statistics sound good but do not reflect reality”

Red Tape Commissioner starts work on reform including OHS

In Australia and the United Kingdom, workplace health and safety compliance has been considered a prominent element of allegations of business “Red Tape“.  On 21 January 2013, Victoria’s Treasurer, Kim Wells, announced new guidelines into red tape in that State’s government authorities and regulators.  Wells’ media release states: “Stage one of the reform will focus … Continue reading “Red Tape Commissioner starts work on reform including OHS”

Political ideologies on show over workplace bullying

In Australia, Parliamentary inquiries are usually required to provide the Parliament with a copy of their findings. In the last week of November 2012, the Chair of the Australia’s Parliamentary Inquiry into Workplace Bullying, Amanda Rishworth, presented its report which included a dissenting report from the Conservative (Liberal Party) committee members. On 28 November both … Continue reading “Political ideologies on show over workplace bullying”

First look at Australia’s workplace bullying report

Australia’s Parliamentary Inquiry into Workplace Bullying has released its report that includes 23 recommendations and a dissenting report from the Coalition (conservative) committee members. The first recommendation that most will look forward is the latest workplace bullying definition. The committee suggests: “repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or group of workers, that creates a … Continue reading “First look at Australia’s workplace bullying report”

Flogging a dead horse when it is still alive, though looking poorly

In The Australian newspaper on 24 November 2012, columnist Judith Sloan discussed how the harmonisation of Australia’s occupational health and safety laws are “a present glaring example of a despot stripped bare…” Earlier this year, in April, Sloan said harmonisation was dead so one could say she is flogging a dead horse. Some parts of … Continue reading “Flogging a dead horse when it is still alive, though looking poorly”

Increased productivity and dignity at work are achievable

David Yamada, in his blog Minding the Workplace, states that “the more we can get the concept of human dignity into our everyday discussions of work, the better.” SafetyAtWorkBlog is a supporter of dignity at work and it is heartening to see that the concept is being discussed globally.  Dignity, as an activator for change, seems to … Continue reading “Increased productivity and dignity at work are achievable”

WorkSafe tries a new promotional approach

The increasing prevalence of pictorial social media has generated a surge in organisations generating “infographics” from workplace health and safety statistics Almost always these images are a technique for generating internet traffic through established websites, blogs and other online services. Fundamentally it is stealth advertising for the unwary online user. However, such images have much … Continue reading “WorkSafe tries a new promotional approach”