Safety leadership and culture require accountability

At the recent Safe Work Australia Awards, the Minister for Workplace Relations had a dig at “safety culture“, according to an article from the National Safety Council of Australia.   Bill Shorten said : “It is not the systems or the fancy talk about culture that will save people’s lives.” This has been interpreted by … Continue reading “Safety leadership and culture require accountability”

Australian Senate told that OHS reforms “have mainly been completed”

According to Hansard, on May 10 2012, the Australian Senate was advised that the National Review into Model Occupational Health and Safety Laws cost the Australian taxpayer A$1,500,000. The Senate was also advised that “The report was responded to by WRMC and Safe Work Australia was tasked with implementing the reforms. The reforms have mainly … Continue reading “Australian Senate told that OHS reforms “have mainly been completed””

Award winner illustrates a potential new approach to small business OHS support

The most interesting winner at the Safe Work Australia was a small greengrocer, The Hub Fruit Bowl.  This family run business improved their occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) with little more than a free “Small Business Safety Pack” from SafeWorkSA (no longer available on the SafeWorkSA website).  This is a remarkable contrast to … Continue reading “Award winner illustrates a potential new approach to small business OHS support”

Australian OHS awards need reviewing now more than ever

The various government safety awards process in Australia needs a thorough coordinated review in order to maintain their relevance.  Earlier last year WorkSafe Victoria tried a new strategy to increase community participation in their awards process.  This involved monthly mini-awards and nominees calling on their friends and professional networks for support and votes.  It was … Continue reading “Australian OHS awards need reviewing now more than ever”

Bill Shorten speaks at the Safe Work Australia Awards

Australia’s Employment and Workplace Relations Minister, Bill Shorten had a very busy day on 26 April 2012 with the recent actions over the management of the Health Services Union.  Tha evening he spoke eloquently and passionately at the Annual Safe Work Australia Awards. Not only did he speak but he also spent several hours speaking with … Continue reading “Bill Shorten speaks at the Safe Work Australia Awards”

Safety profession needs to counter the influence of the red tape ideologues

Australia’s safety profession has a considerable challenge over the next few years, one for which it seems to be poorly prepared.  The challenge comes not from new occupational health and safety (OHS) laws or new hazards but from entrenched ideologies.  As the country moves to an increasing political conservatism, safety needs to prove it is … Continue reading “Safety profession needs to counter the influence of the red tape ideologues”

Innovative thinking needed if Australia is to save lives and improve the economy

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) advocates for workers’ rights and entitlements with occupational safety being one of those entitlements but sometimes the safety message from ACTU is a little narrow. On 14 March 2012, the ACTU issued a media release responding to the release of important workplace safety data by Safe Work Australia. … Continue reading “Innovative thinking needed if Australia is to save lives and improve the economy”