GHS is coming to the United States

On 30 September 2009 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the United States said in a media statement: A proposed rule to align the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) with provisions of the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) will be published in the … Continue reading “GHS is coming to the United States”

Deacons are first with harmonised OHS law comments

Michael Tooma, of the Australian law firm Deacons, is often the first labour lawyer to comment on Australia OHS Law matters and this week was no different.  While many of us are continuing to digest the draft OHS Act, Tooma has identified several issues of interest.  Some are discussed below. [Tooma’s full legal update is available  HERE] … Continue reading “Deacons are first with harmonised OHS law comments”

Harmonisation documents available but path is far from settled

On 25 September 2009, Australia’s Workplace Relations Ministers Council (WRMC) agreed to release the draft legislation for public comment. According to one media report, the New South Wales Finance Minister, Joe Tripodi, “…moved at the [WRMC] meeting to have union prosecutions included in the new laws and was defeated by eight votes to one.” The documents are now available for download HERE. … Continue reading “Harmonisation documents available but path is far from settled”

Imminent release of OHS model law draft

In the film Mrs Doubtfire,  it was said that her husband’s concept of foreplay was “Effie, brace yourself.”  Australian safety professionals should follow Mr Doubtfire’s advice for, according to a media release from Safe Work Australia: The Safe Work Australia Council met in Sydney today (18 September 2009) to consider a suite of draft documents on model occupational … Continue reading “Imminent release of OHS model law draft”

Alarming statistics on young workers and compensation

Safe Work Australia has issued some important statistical reports on workplace injury statistics.  One statistic, in particular, stood out: “…young workers aged 15 to 24 incurred much higher rates of injury than other age groups and were the least likely to apply for workers compensation” The injury statistic is not surprising and is consistent with … Continue reading “Alarming statistics on young workers and compensation”

Safety Leadership push in Queensland

Expect quite a few OHS statements coming from Australian politicians as the country approaches Safe Work Australia Week in late October 2009. On 16 September 2009, the Queensland Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations, Cameron Dick, sought support for a “…groundbreaking new program to reduce workplace deaths and injuries.” Groundbreaking? Not sure. Perhaps for Queensland. According to his media statement the … Continue reading “Safety Leadership push in Queensland”

New safety campaign – making the invisible visible

The last week of October each year is Safe Work Australia Week.  This theme is enacted in each State with their own resources and events.  WorkSafe Victoria is one of the more active of the state regulators and 2009 seems no different. On 13 September 2009, WorkSafe Victoria will launch a new campaign of graphic … Continue reading “New safety campaign – making the invisible visible”