Young worker’s death increases OHS pressure on State and Federal governments

This week an 18-year-old construction worker died in a scaffold collapse on a New South Wales construction site. The occupational health and safety (OHS) regulator has instigated an investigation into Christopher Cassaniti’s death and the serious injury of a work colleague in the same incident, as well as an inspection of scaffolding throughout the State. …

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Political tennis on silicosis begins

It was reported on October 11 2018 that Australia’s Health Minister, Greg Hunt, has called for: “… state workplace regulators to immediately investigate risks to the health of stonemasons, and stop unsafe work practices.” Some reports have said that a statement was issued: “Mr Hunt issued a statement saying he and the Chief Medical Officer would …

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Banking Royal Commission should not limit our thinking about culture

Australia is to have a Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.  What’s this to do with occupational health and safety (OHS)? Not a lot, at first blush.  OHS professionals and safety practitioners need to watch this Royal Commission because it could led to a fundamental reassessment of corporate culture. The … Continue reading “Banking Royal Commission should not limit our thinking about culture”

Australia’s election looks like it will miss workplace safety

The Australian Treasurer, Scott Morrison, released his 2016 Budget in early May 2016.  The principal aim of the Budget and Liberal Party election campaign announced on 8 May 2016 is to create “jobs and growth”.  Every one of those jobs should be a safe job for many reasons other than saving lives, but none of …

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Internet addiction in the workplace

If the prevention of depression is better than trying to treat it, how should a safety manager proceed when permissible work practices may be contributing to mental health problems in some workers? A new UK study announced today says “that excessive internet use is associated with depression”.  The researchers say that “…some users have developed a compulsive … Continue reading “Internet addiction in the workplace”