The Chris Maxwell Report into OHS in Victoria is of historical interest now but one concept in particular from the report continues to echo in OHS and Government circles – government departments and authorities as exemplars of workplace safety.
The latest echo of this concept appeared in a WorkSafe Week seminar in Melbourne on 25 October 2010. The seminar was to discuss the integration of OHS requirements in the procurement of construction services by government.
Maxwell said that
“…the Government as a whole can promote compliance, by being an exemplar of OHS best practice. The public sector is a very large employer in Victoria and it should lead the way in OHS.”
and that
“…influence can be exerted by governments on dutyholders by making improved OHS performance a condition of eligibility for them to participate in government contract/tender processes.’
Maxwell’s statement came from the application of the parental question about leading by example, role model, “walking the walk”. How can one expect contractors to operate safely if the client does not? How can a parent expect good behaviour from children if good behaviour is not shown by the parent?
That government-as-OHS-exemplar continues to be discussed illustrates that the Maxwell statement must have had a considerable sting for government departments in Victoria. Continue reading “OHS in procurement guideline should be the start and not the end”