OHS tidbits from the latest Productivity Commission Report

On March 17 2023, the Australian government released the Productivity Commission’s latest 5-year Productivity Inquiry report. At well over a thousand pages, few people are going to read it to the level it deserves. Nor will I, but I have dipped into it and found a couple of important comments that relate directly to the …

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Be clear on what is meant by productivity

Productivity, like Safety, is one of those words that is used frequently without a clear and uniform definition.  This causes confusion when advocating for occupational health and safety (OHS) interventions that improve productivity. Safety does not increase productivity but it can minimize lost productivity. Let me try to explain by focusing on labour productivity.  Every … Continue reading “Be clear on what is meant by productivity”

Productivity Commission sets stage for inquiry into mental health

The Australian Government has released the terms of reference into its Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health.  The inquiry has broad aims that clearly include occupational health and safety (OHS) and may set some evidence challenges for some of those in the workplace wellbeing sector: “It will look at how governments across Australia, employers, professional …

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Evidence needed for the productivity benefits of workplace safety

One of the arguments that occupational health and safety (OHS) consultants use to convince employers of the importance of workplace safety is that good safety management will increase productivity through the reduction of disruptive incidents.  But there are various types of productivity. Multi-factorial productivity (what business lobbyists usually talk about) is declining in Australia BUT … Continue reading “Evidence needed for the productivity benefits of workplace safety”

Important little OHS steps in latest Productivity Commission report

Australia’s Productivity Commission (PC) released a 5 year productivity review called “Shifting the Dial“. It is one of those large government reports from which lots of people draw lots of conclusions. Chapter 3 in this report addresses Future Skills and Work within which occupational health and safety (OHS) is mentioned in a useful and important …

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Autonomy, safety, diversity, equality and productivity

Discussion about gender in the workplace peaks each year around International Women’s Day on March 8.  Occasionally there is renewed localised interest when an issue pops up but the issue of gender permeates our thoughts, our planning and our conduct all the time. Recently, SafetyAtWorkBlog had the chance to ask some questions about gender and …

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Trust, culture and productivity

In September 2015 Dr Matthew Hallowell will be speaking at the National Convention of the Safety Institute of Australia. Hallowell is a bit of an unknown to the Australian occupational health profession so SafetyAtWorkBlog posed a couple of questions to him as an introduction. SAWB: Is it possible to establish trust and open communication in …

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