Recently SafeWorkSA released its “Regulatory Impact Statement: Model Work Health and Safety Regulations in South Australia“. This report presents radical different economic data compared to the (increasingly discredited) OHS business cost analysis undertaken by PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) for the Victorian government.
The South Australian report, conducted by Deloitte, found the following economic and social impacts of new work health and safety laws:
“Our analysis indicates that adoption of the work health and safety reforms is the preferred option because it achieves the objectives of work health and safety harmonisation as determined by COAG. Moreover, the safety benefits of harmonisation exceed the compliance costs, and the long-term return to the SA economy significantly exceeds the one-off cost of implementation of the new laws, even without taking into account the expected productivity benefits of the reforms.”
The Executive Summary provides a good level of cost data with far less equivocation than does the PwC report and therefore provides an impression of greater validity. Continue reading “Robust analysis of Work Health Safety laws shows considerable economic benefits”