The evidence on occupational lung diseases remains inadequate

Workplace injury statistics are always less than reality as they are based on the number of workers’ compensation claims lodged with occupational health and safety (OHS) regulators or insurance agents.  The nature of occupational illnesses is that there may be many years before their presence is physically identified making them more contestable by insurers and …

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New laws help in the prevention of occupational asthma

Recently a public relations firm has been promoting a statement about workers’ compensation and occupational asthma in support of the Australasian Asthma Conference.  The statement was a timely reminder of the 2015 report – The Hidden Costs of Asthma.  These documents are aimed at the management of asthma rather than the prevention but, coincidentally, the Australian …

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New report provides important data on occupational health

A recent report from the UK Society of Occupational Medicine highlights several issues of note to the occupational health and safety (OHS) professional. But it is also worth looking at the SOM’s media release. As well as offering financial costs and benefits of good occupational health management the full report also contextualises occupational health: “The … Continue reading “New report provides important data on occupational health”

Finally some valuable and practical details on occupational health and safety programs

Earlier this month SafetyAtWorkBlog was critical of a (still yet to be released) guidebook on “Integrated approaches to worker health, safety and well-being”.  Specifically the case study information in the guidebook needed more depth and it was suggested that “ This weakness could be compensated for through a strong campaign where the companies in the case …

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Occupational Medicine provides OHS clues

Medical research rarely provides definitive answers to occupational hazards.  What research provides are clues.  These clues lead to additional research which, over time, can generate answers and solutions.  But OHS specialists often do not have the luxury of waiting for an answer before taking some action to reduce risk and harm and often the clues … Continue reading “Occupational Medicine provides OHS clues”

New OHS info on Working Alone and Occupational Violence

One of the most difficult safety management challenges is the control of hazards associated with working alone.  The most effective control is to not work alone, but the difficulty comes because this option requires expenditure. WorkSafe Victoria recently released an information sheet on this hazard and listed the following hazard control options: Buddy system Environmental design Communication … Continue reading “New OHS info on Working Alone and Occupational Violence”

Preparing for occupational violence in fast food outlets

On 17 December 2010, the parents of Luke Adams were abused outside a court in Melbourne, Australia.  The mother of the killer of Luke Adams berated the parents after her son received further time in jail. SafetyAtWorkBlog touched on Luke Adams’ death in an article in 2009 in which we pointed out that several violent … Continue reading “Preparing for occupational violence in fast food outlets”