Leadership, stress and performance reviews – interview

Graham Winter is an Australian psychologist who was the chief psychologist for the Australian Olympic team and is now an author and business adviser.  In August 2009 he has a book released entitled “The Man Who Cured the Performance Review”. SafetyAtWorkBlog managed to interview Graham last week about the book, stress and safety leadership.  The … Continue reading “Leadership, stress and performance reviews – interview”

More workplace stressors, email and upwards bullying

According to a paper presented at the latest Industrial & Organisational Psychology Conference organised by the Australian Psychological Society, poor quality emails are causing almost as much stress in the workplace as the number received. New Zealand provisional (?) psychologist, Rowena Brown, was presenting findings from her PhD studies and said “Email is a double-edged … Continue reading “More workplace stressors, email and upwards bullying”

Resilience, stress and safety management

The July 25 2007 SafetyAtWork podcast is now available for download.  It includes an interview with Michael Licenblat where we discuss the psychological approach to individuals taking control of their own safety, the benefits of wellbeing programs and the changing workplace. On listening back to the podcast today, I was struck by several issues he … Continue reading “Resilience, stress and safety management”

Environmental tobacco smoke, workplace stress – podcast 2006

In 2006, one of the earliest editions of the SafetyAtWork podcast featured several speakers on issues that remain topical.  The podcast is available for download Anne Mainsbridge, currently a Solicitor with the Public Interest Advocacy Centre talks about her report on environmental tobacco smoke. This is followed by Associate Professor Tony LaMontagne of the University … Continue reading “Environmental tobacco smoke, workplace stress – podcast 2006”

When managing stress, are safety managers looking at the wrong thing?

Today is World Mental Health Day and the media, at least in Australia, is inundated with comments and articles on mental health.  This morning, Jeff Kennett, a director of beyondblue, spoke on ABC Radio about the increasing levels of anxiety that people are feeling in these turbulent economic times.  Throughout the 5 minute interview, Kennett … Continue reading “When managing stress, are safety managers looking at the wrong thing?”

Inadequate resources generate workplace stress

Survey findings released on 9 October 2008 by recruitment company Talent2 indicate that Australian employees are feeling stressed at work as a result of the effects of redundancies. John  Banks of Talent2 said  “… 71.7% say they currently do the job of more than one person, and this makes for a very stressful and unproductive … Continue reading “Inadequate resources generate workplace stress”

Mandatory reporting of stress-related injuries

An OHS colleague of mine, Col Finnie, has posted a comment to a recent SafetyAtWorkBlog article on depression.  As I work out the technicalities of having Col as a regular contributor to this blog, I felt that his comment warranted a little more prominence.  The original comment can be viewed HERE) I find the whole … Continue reading “Mandatory reporting of stress-related injuries”