Notable books on safety and work

This end-of-year list is more complex than one of unread books because of the qualitative elements. In writing this article, off-the-cuff, I thought of the three or four books that I could readily remember reading in 2022; those that stuck in my mind for several reasons. The book that most readily comes to mind from … Continue reading “Notable books on safety and work”

Addendum: Chris Smith and the prevention of harm

The earlier Chris Smith article mentioned the earlier incidents that, given his recidivism, the control measures implemented failed or were inadequate. If these incidents had involved occupational health and safety (OHS) concepts and investigations, the latest incident may never have occurred. OHS is big on investigations and contributory factors but usually after an incident. OHS …

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Happy Holidays and Thanks

It’s the end of 2022 and a busy year for the SafetyAtWorkBlog. As of the time of writing, there have been 192 articles this year, totalling 191,000 words ($1.40 per article for annual subscribers). 56,000 views, over 270 corporate and individual subscribers, and over 4,000 followers on Twitter and LinkedIn is a pretty good online … Continue reading “Happy Holidays and Thanks”

How could OHS have helped manage Chris Smith?

SkyNews and radio host, Chris Smith, has been dismissed due to inappropriate behaviour at a company Christmas party. This type of behaviour has been on the occupational health and safety (OHS) and Industrial Relations radar for a long, long time. Recently the psychological impacts of this type of behaviour have come to the fore, placing …

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A fair dinkum fair go?

A New Work Relations Architecture is a radical book for Australia. Radical because its authors are proposing industrial relations reform, and Australia has had very little of this since Prime Minister John Howard‘s attempt with Workchoices in 2005. Radical also because it has taken inspiration from the Robens approach to occupational health and safety (OHS) …

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Inspired by OHS but ignoring the shortcomings

A new Australian book has been structured around a “new work relations architecture“. Amazingly, a whole chapter is devoted to the role of occupational health and safety (OHS) in this new structure. This chapter is written by prominent law academic Ron McCallum AO, offers a good summary of OHS laws and identifies the challenges to …

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