When looking to understand psychosocial issues, ask your grandparents

In February 2010, the New York Times ran an article about depression by Jonah Lehrer.  The same article appeared in some of Australia’s weekend newspapers in early March.  Lehrer looks at the issue of depression and considers whether there is a potential upside to the disorder by looking back as far as Charles Darwin for … Continue reading “When looking to understand psychosocial issues, ask your grandparents”

Man survives trench collapse, employer fined £3,500

Trench collapses can be one of the most horrifying incidents on a construction site.  The UK’s Health & Safety Executive has released photos of the trench in which a worker, Mark Miller according to one media report “…suffered a broken leg and bruising, and was incredibly fortunate to survive the horror of being buried alive.” The same media report … Continue reading “Man survives trench collapse, employer fined £3,500”

A discussion on ethics and OHS decision making

In 2004, I was asked to make an OHS-themed presentation to a group of paramedic students on ethics and from a small business perspective.  Some of the information may have dated slightly but I post this to stimulate discussion.  Below is an edited version of that 2004 oral presentation: Quite often, when we have an … Continue reading “A discussion on ethics and OHS decision making”

Reviewing Today Tonight’s insulation exclusive

As an example of “tabloid TV” the Today Tonight (TT) report broadcast on 17 February 2010 concerning children assisting workers to install insulation, was very good.  It probably benefited from my own appearances remaining brief. The topicality of a story on the home insulation industry could not have been higher yesterday as a Senate inquiry … Continue reading “Reviewing Today Tonight’s insulation exclusive”

Promising work flexibility and health research doesn’t go anywhere

“A new evidence review* suggests that giving employees more flexibility over their work schedules is likely to boost their health as judged by measures like blood pressure and stress. But interventions that are motivated or dictated by the needs of the employer, such as cutting hours, either have no effect on employee health or make … Continue reading “Promising work flexibility and health research doesn’t go anywhere”

Small business can equal depression, stress and mental health problems

According to an article in  the Australian Financial Review on 16 February 2010 (only available online through subscription): “The isolation of working at home or in a small shop or factory by themselves can wear down many in the small and medium  enterprise sector.  In the most severe cases, it can lead to depression and cause major … Continue reading “Small business can equal depression, stress and mental health problems”

Recent workplace incidents

Below is a quick summary of some workplace incidents that have occured in Australia.  Often these sorts of incidents can be useful in reinforcing safe work practices to employees and clients. The Metropolitan Ambulance Service in Victoria reports the following work-related incidents Angle Grinder Blade “…(a) 55 year old man… told us he’d been working with an angle … Continue reading “Recent workplace incidents”