The Australian newspaper dismisses workplace deaths as “sickies”

Safe Work Australia has released two important statistical reports. One concerns the number of Work-Related Traumatic Injury Fatalities for 2009-10 and the other is called The Cost of Work-Related injury and Illness for Australian Employers, Workers and the Community: 2008-09 . These reports have gained minimal mainstream media coverage. In a very short article The Australian … Continue reading “The Australian newspaper dismisses workplace deaths as “sickies””

OHS salary survey raises more questions than it answers

The information that safesearch has released on its annual salary survey of Australian OHS professional salaries included several curious statements. In media statements released in mid-February 2012 the following was attributed to an interpretation of the survey results: “… a brain drain triggered by the mining boom has forced employers in other sectors to increase salaries for … Continue reading “OHS salary survey raises more questions than it answers”

Executive Director says WorkSafe has been reactive on workplace mental health

Ian Forsyth, Health and Safety Executive Director, for WorkSafe Victoria spoke at a breakfast seminar on 7 February 2012.  As a report on what WorkSafe has been doing and what they plan to do in 2012, it was reasonable but there were several issues that raised eyebrows or confused some in the audience. Workplace Bullying … Continue reading “Executive Director says WorkSafe has been reactive on workplace mental health”

Disagreement on workplace bullying strategy increases in Australia

According to The Australian newspaper on 5 January 2012 the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is extremely critical of Safe Work Australia’s draft Code of Practice on Workplace Bullying. The ACTU has said that the draft code has a “fundamental flaw” “… the failure to address workplace bullying in the same framework as any … Continue reading “Disagreement on workplace bullying strategy increases in Australia”

OHS Strategy to nowhere

Throughout 2011, Safe Work Australia (SWA) has been conducting consultative workshops in the development of the next ten-year National OHS Strategy.  SafetyAtWorkBlog reported previously on the Melbourne meeting.  SWA has released their report into that Melbourne meeting. The meeting had a set of criteria for the stakeholders to consider.  Sadly, there was no forewarning of the issues to be … Continue reading “OHS Strategy to nowhere”

Australia risks OHS ridicule in the media

The Sunday Herald-Sun ran an article that would not have been out-of-place in the English tabloid newspapers.  The article, “Safety regulations taking the fun out of schools”, indicates many of the confused lines of responsibility that English articles include. In Victoria, the safety requirements of government schools are determined by the Department of Education and … Continue reading “Australia risks OHS ridicule in the media”

Australian politician jumps on possible OHS concession from Government

Politics has again entered the OHS harmonisation debate in Australia.  Federal Workplace Relations Minister, Chris Evans, issued a statement on 10 November 2011, part of which that has been pounced on by the Opposition and slightly twisted by the online media. “Senator Evans also announced that transitional arrangements for the model OHS laws have been developed … Continue reading “Australian politician jumps on possible OHS concession from Government”