OHS: The Pearl Harbour Syndrome

OHS:  The Pearl Harbour Syndrome[i] – Poverty of Expectations – The Japanese attack on US forces at Pearl Harbour in the Hawaiian Islands on Sunday 7th December 1941 was a military disaster for the US described as a totally unforseen and unforeseeable attack.  It shocked the American people and brought the US into WWII (essentially … Continue reading “OHS: The Pearl Harbour Syndrome”

OHS Canaries and Apathy

Guest author, Yossi Berger writes: “What’s the point of tellin’ them the same thing over and over when nothin’ changes?  I open my mouth about safety again I could lose me job” he said, “Why would I bother?”[a] Introduction Words and names can be used as sneaky accomplices to construct popular or inaccurate narratives.  When … Continue reading “OHS Canaries and Apathy”

All exposure standards must consider hours of work

The last sixty years’ of research into the effects of hours of work, shiftwork, associated workload, fatigue and affects on social life and families has produced many findings, but no general detailed agreements.  There are interesting debates about who and what to research, what methods to use, what to measure and how to interpret results.  … Continue reading “All exposure standards must consider hours of work”

The Astonished Manager: Not in my wildest dreams

Dr Yossi Berger of the Australian Workers Union has been reading some of the debate in SafetyAtWorkBlog and offered the article below for publication.  He said to SafetyAtWorkBlog “…in relation to BP’s OHS catastrophes and comments about their management style, their managers and this aspirational, easily-bandied-about notion of workplace culture.  Two things stimulated me to … Continue reading “The Astonished Manager: Not in my wildest dreams”

Quad bike safety remains a hot topic in Australia

Prominent OHS unionist, Yossi Berger*, has attempted to place the issue of quad bike safety in the greater context of OHS In the latest issue of the Australian Workers’ Union’s Say Safety magazine (only available in hard copy). Berger says that the current debate between safety advocates and vehicle manufacturers over quad bikes is the … Continue reading “Quad bike safety remains a hot topic in Australia”

Prominent unionist renews pledge on asbestos

SafetyAtWorkBlog asked Yossi Berger, National OHS Co-ordinator, Australian Workers’ Union, for comment on the relaunched Mesothelioma Registry.  His response is below “The only known cause of meso is exposure to asbestos.  If you are diagnosed with it you have a 50% chance of surviving longer than 12 months.  Any lung physician will tell you that it’s a … Continue reading “Prominent unionist renews pledge on asbestos”

SafetyAtWorkBlog contributors wanted

Since SafetyAtWorkBlog began in January 2008, the site has seen a steady increase in readership, particularly since January 2009. As can be seen from the blog over the last few months, there have been useful and fascinating contributions by Yossi Berger, Col Finnie and others.  The increase in comments from readers is particularly gratifying. As well as … Continue reading “SafetyAtWorkBlog contributors wanted”