SafetyAtWorkBlog contributors wanted

Since SafetyAtWorkBlog began in January 2008, the site has seen a steady increase in readership, particularly since January 2009.

As can be seen from the blog over the last few months, there have been useful and fascinating contributions by Yossi Berger, Col Finnie and others.  The increase in comments from readers is particularly gratifying.

As well as helping to share the load of blog writing, the increasing popularity shows this blog can be a useful platform for OHS ideas and commentary.

The SafetyAtWorkBlog is averaging just around 600 readers each day and around 15,000 readers per month.  We recently were 20 shy of reaching 1000 readers in a single day.  60% of the readership is in Australasia with the United States at just over 20%.

For the second year, LexisNexis in the US chose SafetyAtWorkBlog as one of  its Top 25 Blogs in workers compensation citing the following reason

“This straight forward Blog provides insight and informative content into international worker safety developments, marrying the law, business processes, medicine, and social concerns into thought provoking commentaries..”

If you are interested in contributing to this growing blog, please contact Kevin Jones by clicking  HERE

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