Three books that challenge OHS

Book publisher Routledge has recently released books about occupational health and safety (OHS) that are very critical of OHS’ role, or that of the health and safety professional, in modern business. Below I dip into the The Fearless World of Professional Safety in the 21st Century The 10 Step MBA for Safety and Health Practitioners, … Continue reading “Three books that challenge OHS”

Labour Hire safety challenges

Victoria has passed legislation to licence the labour hire industry. Occupational health and safety (OHS) gets a mention, in some ways. The objects of this Act seem fairly straightforward: ” to protect workers from being exploited by providers of labour hire services and hosts; and  to improve the transparency” The explanatory memorandum sounds promising. Clause 23 …

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Why are we arguing about Industrial Manslaughter laws?

On the issue of Industrial Manslaughter laws, Lana Cormie (pictured far right) said: “Employers need to have motivation to do the right thing, ’cause clearly they don’t do it off their own back.  So, if that means, if this’ll be the difference between them making OH&S a high priority and not, then it needs to … Continue reading “Why are we arguing about Industrial Manslaughter laws?”

Sexual harassment Code developed in isolation

Screen Australia has released its sexual harassment code of conduct.  If any film project in Australia desires government funding it will need to comply with this Code.  The Code is a good starting point and will need support from a broad range of elements of the entertainment industry but this Code is indicative of problems …

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Video Update #3

It’s been a couple of busy weeks at SafetyAtWorkBlog with three public speaking engagements: Central Safety Group – ISO45001 Young Safety Professionals network – Reliable workplace health and safety information sources NSW Regional Safety Conference & Expo – Business Bullshit and how workplace health and safety relates. Below is a video update about this activity … Continue reading “Video Update #3”

#MeToo, #TimesUp and #OHS

Being International Women’s Day, the media is awash with articles about pay rates, gender equality and sexual harassment.  One of those articles is written by Sarah Ralph of Norton Rose Fullbright. Ralph provides a good summary of the current gender issues and recent media attention (may require registration but it’s free).  She makes several recommendations … Continue reading “#MeToo, #TimesUp and #OHS”