Workplace role on addressing and preventing family violence

On March 30 2016, the Andrew Victorian Government released the final report of the Royal Commission into Family Violence. Family violence, otherwise known as domestic violence, is not strictly an occupational health and safety (OHS) but the mental health effects can flow into the workplace and, some argue, fails to deter family violence.  The final …

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Sedentary work risks – two new research reports

Some say occupational health and safety (OHS)  is all about common sense.  This is a tempting fallacy, particularly as it relates to the risks of sedentary work – what earlier generations would describe as “sitting down”.  This month Safe Work Australia (SWA) entered the debate about the health risks of sitting down for too long. …

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WorkSafe and politicians continue to confuse

On March 4, 2016 WorkSafe Victoria released a media statement with the headline: “WorkSafe announces new safety record in half-year results” The headline was reinforced (or the other way round) in the body of the statement with “The rate of injuries in Victorian workplaces has reached a new record low, according to the half-yearly results …

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Labour Hire Inquiry submissions address OHS, sort of

The Victorian Government has concluded the public hearing section of its inquiry into Labour Hire. Industrial Relations Minister Natalie Hutchins has said in a media release that “Evidence has been put to the inquiry suggesting widespread  underpayment of award wages, tax avoidance, nonpayment of superannuation, poor occupational health and safety practices, maltreatment of workers and backpackers on …

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The capacity to write the SafetyAtWorkBlog is supported by consulting on health and safety issues but also from freelance writing. If you like what you read on the SafetyAtWorkBlog and want exclusive OHS content for your company or website, contact Kevin Jones by clicking HERE.

WorkSafe enters battle over quadbike safety

A decision by WorkSafe Victoria about the fitting of crush protection devices (CPD) to quad-bikes (All Terrain Vehicles/ATV) gained the major prominence in the latest edition of a major Australian farming newspaper, The Weekly Times.  The newspaper reports that “WorkSafe Victoria is tightening rules around quad bikes that will see them banned in workplaces unless appropriate rollover …

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