When a safety campaign is not a safety campaign

Last Friday the Australian Jockeys Association issued a media release in support of their safety campaign for increased compensation.  The campaign was surprising on a number of points. The safety campaign is aimed to “help jockeys manage the risks inherent in their work”.  Over the last few years there has been a marked increase in … Continue reading “When a safety campaign is not a safety campaign”

Who manages safety – employers or inspectors?

Over the last few days at the Tasmanian inquest into the death of Larry Knight, several geotechnical consultants and experts have been going through their reports to Beaconsfield Mine management.  These assessment reports were undertaken before the collapse that caused Larry Knight’s death.  The impression from media reports is that mine management listened to, or … Continue reading “Who manages safety – employers or inspectors?”

Safety – on the fringe again

The Australian government has established an Australian Social Inclusion Board.  This is what the government says is the purpose and challenges of the Board: This social exclusion is a significant barrier to sustained prosperity and restricts Australia’s future economic growth. Promoting social inclusion requires a new way of governing. Australia must rethink how policy and … Continue reading “Safety – on the fringe again”

Gaining Political Mileage Out of “handcuff(ed) psychiatric patients”

The New South Wales Liberal Party has released an email from the Pialla Mental Health Nursing Staff to WorkCover detailing their “security” concerns. The original email is available HERE. The Liberals are making as much political mileage out of this issue as they can.  Many media reports in Australia have said that some patients have … Continue reading “Gaining Political Mileage Out of “handcuff(ed) psychiatric patients””