The New York Times reported on 17 May 2010 that psychologists have started considering the causes of workplace stress. About time!
The report says that
“Employees are unhappy about the design of their jobs, the health of their organizations and the quality of their managers..”
and that unhappy workers have a high risk of heart attacks and depression.
The article is principally an interview with the author of a new personnel management book that identifies that performance reviews are a generator of unhappiness and stress. This concept has been circulating for some time and goes part way to making workplaces safer.
Job design, mentioned above, can be broadened to include how people are managed. Personnel management and human resources (HR) are a crucial element of any business but the NYT article indicates a growing realisation that the foundations of this management, how jobs are designed, have generated some of the hazards that HR is now tasked to control. Continue reading “Looking for the causes of workplace harm can change one’s world view”