SafetyAtWorkBlog has received the following clarification from a spokesperson for the Nationals Party on some issues raised in an earlier SafetyAtWorkBlog article. I thank them for the prompt response.
As detailed in our Plan for a Stronger Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Sector, a re-elected Liberal Nationals Government will establish the $3.5 million National Farm Safety Education Fund to support activities that address on-farm safety issues including:
• Increasing peer-to-peer activities that promote farm safety measures.
• Developing and/or updating resources to support on-farm learning and awareness of farm safety.
• Campaigns specifically targeted for and to children including farm dam, farm machinery and quad bike safety.
• Support for the annual Farm Safety Week.The Fund will be administered by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. Farmsafe Australia (which is supported by farm organisation members) is expected to be a major beneficiary, given its mission is to drive efforts to enhance the well-being and productivity of Australian agriculture through improved health and safety awareness and practices.
More details about the design, scope, operation and success measures of the fund will be finalised in consultation with the National Farmers Federation, FarmSafe Australia and other stakeholders should the Liberal Nationals Government be re-elected on 18 May.