Global Occupational Health and Safety Handbook – A Critical Review

OK, let me own up. In 1999, I wrote Working for Life A Source Book on Occupational Health for Women.  Earlier, I was posted to Indonesia to head up a program on occupational health and safety with the International Labour Organisation (ILO). I was supposed to improve the skills of labour inspectors, using specific training devised by other highly paid experts with the ILO.

What wasn’t included was how to cover corruption and studied ineptitude.  Factory inspections inevitably concluded with the uniformed inspectors carting goods ‘donated’ back home.

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Author: Melody Kemp

Melody Kemp has lived for many years in Asia and Australia. She has written exclusively for SafetyAtWorkBlog previously on issues including asbestos, the safety of wildlife protection officers and corporate responsibility in Asia. She is also the author of the excellent OHS publication Working for Life: Sourcebook on Occupational Health for Women.

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