Executive Director leaves WorkSafe Victoria

Dr Narelle Beer has appeared regularly in SafetyAtWorkBlog articles. Her most recent public appearance was at the Australian Institute of Health and Safety national conference. No more is Dr Beer WorkSafe Victoria’s Executive Director Health and Safety.

In an email to WorkSafe staff, dated June 5 2024, CEO Joe Calafiore said:

“Narelle was appointed as our Executive Director, Health and Safety in 2021, bringing with her a wealth of expertise from her time in policing, both in Victoria and the Northern Territory. In her time at WorkSafe, Narelle has shown a genuine commitment to keeping Victorian workers safe and has been a passionate advocate for strong regulation that holds those who do not to account.
On behalf of WorkSafe I thank Narelle for her contribution and wish her all the best for the future.
With Narelle’s departure, and with the commencement of our new Executive Director of People and Culture Jane Barker in the near future, I have asked Sam Jenkin to lead the Health and Safety Business Unit for the next six months, starting today.”

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I only ever met Dr Beer at her public appearances at conferences, seminars and other occupational health and safety events. I first saw her speaking at a lawyer’s breakfast seminar several years ago. Her presentation was a little uncertain, but it did not take long for her to become a polished public speaker to the extent that at last month’s national conference, her twenty-minute presentation was relaxed, confident and flawless.

Kevin Jones

Categories conference, executives, government, OHS, safety, Uncategorized, WorkSafe

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