Teenage worker’s death

AAP and The Australian newspaper today reported on the death of an 18-year-old in a factory located  just north of SafetyAtWorkBlog’s office on 18 February 2009.

Initial reports say that the man was “dragged head first into a box-printing machine” when his clothing was caught.  Firefighters took 45 minutes to extract the worker who died later in hospital.

It will be interesting to follow this case as the investigation and potential prosecution proceeds.  It fits all the elements of safety campaigns over the last few years – young workers, inadequately guarded machines, risk assessments, risk controls, unnecessary deaths.

It is only a couple of months until International Workers’ Memorial Day when this worker’s name will be added to the annual roll-call of the dead.

Kevin Jones

Categories death, machine guarding, safety, Uncategorized, workplace, WorkSafe, youngTags , , ,

2 thoughts on “Teenage worker’s death”

  1. Chuck

    I know that is the reality but it is a very sad reality. If the injury is more than a small (albeit traumatic) injury, that\’s a different order of importance.

    Shortly after the incident reported above, another person was similarly crushed in a different workplace nearby. Inadequate guarding was again involved with the fatality.

    Yes, consumers should be responsible for their purchases however there is a legislative obligation on manufacturers to NOT sell unsafe equipment. Equipment provided without guards is unsafe and, in Australia, is criminal.

  2. I work for a Risk Management / Machine Guarding company and hear all kinds of stories. A minute of inattention can change a person or their families lives forever. Unfortunately, it sometimes takes an accident like this for an employer to impliment a machine guarding and safety program.

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