Talking about safety – old skills in new ways

Australia’s latest Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has a strong background in technology investment and is urging the country to embrace innovation.  This has generated a focus on information technology start-ups but it may also create opportunities for occupational health and safety (OHS) professionals, if they are willing to change.

There has been a quick growth in OHS-related Apps over the last few years.  Many of these Apps can be very useful but developers usually assume that Apps are read or used indoors, or in quiet environments or out of the sunshine or by English-speakers or that everyone has an App-friendly smart phone.  They also seem to believe that there is a generic universal workplace, as if the theory of forms applies.  Many of these App developers are OHS professionals who are looking to monetise their skills and broaden their marketing base.  But social trends may be indicating a different market direction.

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