Australia’s Safety Week

The last week of October each year is Safety Week in Australia.  It exists under different names in each State but everyone coordinates events for the same time each year.  Below are some  links for further information, some are more developed than others.

In 2009, I was a Safety Ambassador for Safe Work Australia and found that if one was prepared to give, the rewards were ten-fold.

If you are in Australia I strongly recommend attending one of the many free OHS information events.  If you are outside Australia, regularly check the Australia OHS regulator websites for some innovative approaches to safety and its promotion.





Australian Capital Territory (yes, the ACT has a month of activities)

Western Australia

South Australia

Kevin Jones

6 thoughts on “Australia’s Safety Week”

  1. Kevin,

    With some changes to the harmonisation of the legislation this should get the interest of many, I know I will be attending to get an insight of what issues may lie ahead, and get a feel for the overall response of our peers.

    Thanks, for the heads up,

    Mark Da Silva

    1. Mark

      I think many people will be attendign for the same reasons but I expected that some draft national Codes of Practice would be available by now. It would seem logical to have released such material prior to, or during, Safe Work Australia Week. Perhaps that is the plan…

      Certainly it would not be appreciated if a consultation period on OHS, AGAIN, was condensed into the Christmas/New Year period

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